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Visit to Honolulu's Medical Cannabis Lab was amazing!!!

(Here in Honolulu, Steep Hill Hawaii laboratory sits atop a beautiful Hawaii Business Building on King Street with this amazing view off their beautiful lanai.)

After searching and finally finding this highly secure and extremely well hidden oasis of science and technology I found it was more than worth it! Getting a personalized tour by chief scientists and the local chief officer was amazing and I learned a lot. Most importantly is that patients can rest assured that the medicine this lab tests for the dispensaries will be safe and free from unwanted additives.

As I was there they were conducting more verification tests recently added as requirements by our State of Hawaii Department of Health to be absolutely sure that patients will be safe. The chief local officer of the lab shared that the requirements by our SOH DOH will insure that our medicine will be the most tested and safe in the USA!

So the wait should be over soon for our elected desire to have this medicine finally become a reality. Many patients are unable to grow or acquire the medicine and have been waiting for now over a year from when the medicine could have been ready according to the SOH DOH first publicly announced the medicine could have been ready. And I'm sure the quality of the medicine, the security of our patients information, the ease of which each dispensary identifies legitimate patients, the quickness of 329 Registration Cards are processed at the SOH DOH, and the development of an integrated system with pre-arrival coupled with appointments system at Clinics like will be developed so qualifying visitors who have medical cards from other states are able to enjoy reciprocity with Aloha here in Hawaii...will all be well worth this needed wait.

I also know the leaders who are appointees and their staff of our elected official spending our hard earned tax dollars are doing their best to expidite and maintain quality of service on our behalfes as the public they serve.

Bottom line: better safe than sorry on getting the labs open! An ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure and I for one want to be on the record as saying I don't protest against the amount of time it takes to be sure we're safe. And a huge mahalo to everyone involved at the Department of Heath and their exemplary public service. Especially in light of the pressure to proceed expiditiously and safely on our behalf. Mahalo.

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